Retreat Days

You would be very welcome to join us for any of the retreat days scheduled for 2024. For more information about any of the retreats, to RSVP for a retreat, to enquire about costs or available accommodation, please contact us.

Unless specified, the retreats run for single Saturdays, from 9am until 3pm.

Come Away with Jesus

Upcoming Retreats

Saturday September 21st

This retreat will be focused on the place of creativity in our relationship with God. Plans are afoot to welcome a wonderful guest facilitator for some of this day and yes, it will involve enjoying some time actually being creative! Please don’t let this strike fear into your heart; we can almost hear some of you saying “I wish I was creative, but I’m just not”. Maybe our age, the opinions of others or the distractions of our days have led us to believe we’re not creative, BUT WE ARE! It just looks different for each of us. Perhaps ponder the following quote:

“Creativity is not a rare gift limited to some elite class of artists. Everyone is born with creativity because we are all sons and daughters of the Creator.” Allen Arnold.

We are very excited and looking forward to a day that will be inspiring and fun!

Saturday October 19th